We believe that ordained ministers who have come under imposition of hands by a regular authorized presbytery, only have the right to administer ordinances. 1 Tim 4 vs 14-16
We believe that baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordiances of Jesus Christ and that feet washing was an example set forth by Him and that true believers are the…
"We believe in the resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. The dead in Christ shall rise first. We which are alive and remain shall be changed…
We believe that baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordiances of Jesus Christ and that feet washing was an example set forth by Him and that true believers are the…
We believe that the punishment of the wicked is everlasting and the joys of the righteous eternal.
We believe that baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances of Jesus Christ and that feet washing was an example set forth by Him and that true believers are the…
We believe that the saints are preserved in Grace and shall never fall finally away
We believe that God's elect are sanctified by God the Father, preserved in Jesus Christ, and called by the Holy Spirit.
We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God only by the imputed righteousness of Christ
We believe in the doctrine of man's impotency to recover himself from the fallen state he is in by nature, of his own free will and ability.