December 31, 2012

Light vs. Darkness

Passage: Colossians 1:12-13

Cool Springs had her annual New Years' Eve service, and invited Elder John Scott from Statesboro, GA to fill the stand for the service. He preached about "Light vs. Darkness" and specifically brought out the fact that they are not the same and do not agree one with the other. From there, he encouraged the church as beacons of light to shine forth in a cold and dark world. Since Christ our Light has come, so should we war a good warfare in this low ground of sin and sorrow. With all the troubling news on the political front, it was comforting to be reminded of how that Light has, does, and will prevail. Regardless of how well I execute my duties, I am thankful that He has executed His will and purpose perfectly.
Furthermore, the message comforted the church by extending the thought that the best labour in earth is knowing that this earth is not our home. There will come a day when light will emanate world without end. This complete dispersement of darkness is what we yearn and long for. As Bro John beautifully brought out from Colossians 1, we have been delivered from the power of darkness, but one day, we will be delivered from the presence of darkness as well.

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