Meeting Announcement


Even though we are still rejoicing from the wonderful Annual Meeting we just experienced a few weeks ago, we anticipate a wonderful September as well.  Lord willing, there are two special meetings coming up in September that we would love for any and all that can to come and visit with us.  If either or both of these meetings look feasible, please consider coming and visiting with us.  Regardless of attendance, please pray for us and these meetings as we stand in need of the Almighty's blessings upon us as we attend to worship in His house.

Lord willing, the Ebenezer Fellowship Meeting will convene the 4th Sunday weekend in September.  Bay Springs is the host church this year, but they have elected to host the meeting in the Cool Springs meetinghouse due to space considerations.  Every time I have attended this meeting, the Lord has richly blessed it.  Last year, the meeting had ministers from 8 different states in attendance, and the preaching was (as the old fathers used to say) "all of a unit."  We pray for a similar experience this year.

Lord willing, the following weekend (5th Sunday weekend in September), Elder Sonny Pyles from Graham, Texas will be preaching a special meeting at Cool Springs.  Brother Sonny is no stranger at Cool Springs as he has preached the annual meeting many times in years past.  It has been a number of years since his last visit, and the church is anxious to hear him again.  He has graciously agreed to be with us, and we pray not only for his safety in travel but for rich preaching grace while he is among us.

Both meetings (along with their schedules for the services) are now listed on our website:  Again, please consider coming to worship with us, but please pray for us.

In Hope,

Bro Philip

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