“An Introduction”
Long time no hear right? After more than a decade, my voice for Morning Thoughts dried up. Though I still had the thoughts and cogitations of morning meditation, the voice in my pen blew away like dust in the wind. Thanks to the many that have inquired over the last many months about the status of my little segments. Though my time was and still is limited, the real reason for the long abstinence was a lack of inspiration to write as I had done for so many years.
To those who mourned the silence, you may now rejoice, and to those who found the silence refreshing, you may now mourn. As Scripture has commanded us (Romans 12:15), I shall rejoice and mourn with all of you! My voice for writing has returned but in a different tone and path than before. Whereas before we looked at verses and passages and sought to pull back the fabric of the tapestry, we now are headed in a less formalized, conversational, and more topical course. Why? As the title suggests, the thoughts of my pen now reflect a different stage of life than before. As a young minister, there were conversational topics that could not be pursued due to lack of experience. While writing in the former manner is still edifying and profitable, I now would like to “converse” more about subjects as a middle aged minister headed down the next slope.
Some may like this style more and some less. Again, I rejoice and mourn with all of you! Some in the list may think, “Who does Mr. Fussy Britches think he is?” Others might think, “Since when does he think he’s not a young minister anymore?” Yet more may think, “It took him long enough! He hasn’t been a young minister for a long time!” Hopefully, there is something here for all of you.
While the tone and style of the writing may be different than before, we trust that the writings will still be grounded in the source material, drawing every conclusion from the unshakeable pillar of God’s word rather than the latest happenings that blow through our lives With that in mind, I look forward to the next leg of the race of life with you. The previous one lasted much longer than I would have or could have envisioned. Writers never truly know how long the voice will last in a certain path. If not mistaken, Morning Thoughts lasted around 13 years. How long will this one endure? God only knows.
So, kind reader, the merry go round is about to start! I can hear the music queueing, and the horses are just starting to ease up and down. Hopefully it will take us places that light up our countenances like a child’s joy and not just turn in a circle creating nausea. May your days be blessed, and may the Lord’s face smile upon us and give us peace.
In Hope,
Bro Philip
Although we wouldn’t agree on everything I want you to know how much I enjoy and appreciate your articles. They are a blessing. I pray that the good Lord will enable you to continue writing. Please don’t be put off by that first statement – hey I don’t agree with my wife on everything yet I love her. After 54 years of preaching I’m still learning. God bless!